Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, I’m Marcus aka MarcGotCalledOut. I’m excited to be writing my first post on the Drawing Near Blog it really has been a long time coming. The Drawing Near blog seeks to glorify God and His son Jesus through sketches, photos, and articles that will build up the body of Christ.
You are sure to find a wide variety of topics addressed from a biblical point of view. It is my prayer that this platform will be used by the body of Christ build up one another. We should all have a place where we can sharpen our swords. I hope to hear from you as we share each others testimonies and experiences with God.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. – 1 Thessalonias 5:11
November 27, 2017 at 1:30 am
Hi Marc I look forward to keeping up with your biblical site. I can’t wait for more blogs have a blessed rest of your day.
November 27, 2017 at 1:32 am
Thanks Denmark!
I really appreciate the encouragement. I hope the future blog post are a blessing to you.