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The Boy Who Was God

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.- Isaiah 9:6


Jesus is BornI know this time of year is designed to lure consumers into every shopping arena imaginable, I understand that some celebrations that take place this time of year are rooted in paganism. I also get that December 25th is most likely not the day my Lord and savior was born. However I’m not worried about when He was born because I just love to celebrate the fact THAT He was born. Christmas still remains a special time of year for me. Family and friends coming together, sitting down to eat home cooked meals, and most importantly reflecting on the Birth of the my Lord and closest friend Jesus Christ. Some would argue that celebrating Him this time of year is offensive and dare I say blasphemous. I would say that the Father judges the intents of the heart and is pleased with all those who honor the son (refer to John 5:23).

If it is a pagan holiday the enemy is sure working overtime to remove Christ from it (ie x-mas, Santa Clause etc.). This year I found myself craving to see an Nativity Scene, and they are becoming more and more rare as the years go by. That in itself is a sign of the times. Honoring the birth of the savior of the world is what makes Christmas CHRISTmas. I agree that we as Christians need not be wrapped up in commercialism and material desires during this season or any other, but we still have an opportunity to educate those who may not know Jesus as to why this time of year is so special to some of us. Let us considering bringing Jesus to the malls and holiday parties for the sake of the gospel. The spirit of God is living in us and we should use every opportunity we have to share Him with the world.

First Thing’s First

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself, I’m Marcus aka MarcGotCalledOut. I’m excited to be writing my first post on the Drawing Near Blog it really has been a long time coming. The Drawing Near blog seeks to glorify God and His son Jesus through sketches, photos, and articles that will build up the body of Christ.

You are sure to find a wide variety of topics addressed from a biblical point of view. It is my prayer that this platform will be used by the body of Christ build up one another. We should all have a place where we can sharpen our swords. I hope to hear from you as we share each others testimonies and experiences with God.


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. – 1 Thessalonias 5:11

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