You Can Be Cool and Still Have CHRIST.

by Dominic G.

Do you think you can be cool and still have Christ?  The answer is yes!  Jesus Christ loves us and wants to have a relationship with us regardless of how cool we think we are.  Some think that if they display their love for Christ that they won’t be considered cool.  As Christians, we are in this world but not of this world. With that said, we should not worry about what the world thinks of us or how we would be classified by worldly standards.  By following Christ, cool will be redefined according to his will. Below are a few examples on how to walk in confidence with Christ.

Show that you have a relationship with Christ.

For example, I am a person who would be considered cool by some in today’s society, but I allow my relationship with Christ to be the forefront of my life. As Christians, it’s important to decide on which relationships mean the most to us in our lives. Our relationship with Christ should mean the most. An important aspect of having a relationship with Christ is to not be distracted by media, TV, radio, social
media, etc.

Not being afraid to standout.

One of my favorite quotes is that “a man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd”. This type of boldness can assist us in standing out in ways that we may not have ever imagined. Sometimes fear can attempt to creep in and discourage us in the most critical moments. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV) and
we must stand on that promise.

A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.

Do not be afraid to lead those who take notice of your fire for following of Christ. When we are on fire for the Lord, many may notice and want to follow as we lead. It’s okay to encourage others to follow Christ through our leadership. If Christ blesses us with the ability to lead, submit to him and continue to
give all praise and honor to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


  1. Such a great blog post and conversation starter for many! Thank you for this message!

    • This is awesome, and well needed for the next generation and to let those who are pressured know that it’s ok to stand out, and still have a relationship with god. Well put. I’m a supporter.

      • I agree, this blog can reach all ages, especially those who deal with peer pressure. My intent was to make it relatable for all!

    • Awesome feedback!!! It’s all Christ! I will continue to allow Him to use me. Please share as you see fit!

  2. Good read bro!! I love the quote “a man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd”. Proud of you.

  3. Love this, very powerful and uplifting! Knowing the importance of Christ is what this world of sin needs🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

  4. Krystal Williams

    January 16, 2020 at 12:15 am

    I am absolutely blown away by this post!! To be honest, getting to know Christ is what actually made me cool. This new “cool” nature did not just attract the attention of others, but it made me grow in love with myself.

    Having a relationship with Christ helps you to uncover the many facets of yourself and what makes you unique. In this day in time, I am literally learning to look back at myself and the things that I have accomplished and say, “it was/is good” just like God did when He created the Earth.

    Thank you for this post and many blessings!


    • Thanks for the feedback!!! May God continue to bless you!!! And I can tell from your response that you get it!! I’m currently thinking of new topics, as I’ve been so inspired by the feedback on this one.

  5. Great Read!!! Glad to be a cool follower of Christ !! Keep the good reads coming!!

  6. These are great examples! When we follow Christ wholeheartedly we will stand out from the crowd. This is what being a light for Him is all about. Coming out from among them and sharing His love with others. Thanks, wonderful post.

    • Yes yes Amen! We are going to shine brighter as the world gets darker. They will see the light of Jesus and we will have opportunities to witness. Thanks so much for commenting🙏🏾

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