No Looking Back!

Lord, I’m sorry I will never do that again, sin, repeat. Have you ever been caught in the sin repeat cycle? I’m not talking about making a mistake but going back to the same habitual sin over and over again. Well I have been there and believe me was a huge hindrance to my spiritual growth and breakthrough as a believer. The Lord has made it clear to some of us, in His Word, through a godly friend, or our own conscience, that we need to let something go because it is stunting our walk with Jesus. Habitual sin a lot of times keeps us running in place for years, robbing us of God’s very best in our lives. When God says don’t look back He means it!

One of the enemy’s tactics is to persuade you to keep one of your favorite sins and hiding it in your back pocket allowing it to be just you and his little secret. The enemy wants us to believe that we will always surrender to some form of habitual sin. Then before we know it we have made peace with that habit. We start to say things like, “I’m only human”, “We all have our guilty pleasures”, or “I’ll always be a sinner.” There is a difference between making a mistake, sinning (like losing your temper in traffic for example) and planning to sin, making accommodations for what we know that God has told us to turn away from. A wise preacher once said, “Jesus didn’t come to save us in our sins but came to save us from our sins”.

“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” – 2 Peter 1:3

God has truly blessed us through His son Jesus by delivering use from our inequities. However we have to honor that blessing and keep our eyes focused on the savior and not on our sin. We must stop looking back and continue to press forward towards the mark. It starts with what we decide to entertain, what we look upon, as well as what we focus our minds on. It really begins with our attention, if we only forget about the temporary pleasures of sin and remember the pain, hurt, distractions, and delays that those sins cause, we can break free of the same cycles we entertain over and over again. It is by faith that we tap into the fruits of the Spirit and reject the desires of the flesh. God says in His Word that, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” – 2 Peter 1:3. Did you catch that? Once we give our lives over to Jesus through faith, we are fully equipped through the Holy Spirit to live holy. However we must keep our eyes on Jesus at all cost. If we keep our eyes on Jesus we can walk on water, if look at the water or the world we sink. Stay blessed.

“Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us” Hebrews – 12:1

1 Comment

  1. Marc, this was a great read! Timely and necessary message! I am so guilty of this but I will not go back in Jesus name!!
    Thank you…. Keep em’ coming!!

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