Getting Back Up

For some sin and temptation is a struggle even after the new birth. I have definitely been there. Even having a sincere love of Jesus and coming to Him with all of my heart or to the best of my ability I struggled with doubt, lust, and unforgiveness. With that being said this post isn’t for the man or woman who is attempting to accept salvation but wants to continue in sin as if God doesn’t know what a truly regenerated heart looks like. This is for believers who are trusting in Jesus for salvation, mourning over their sin, and believing in the true grace which is to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the things that please God. If you have fallen into sin and are feeling unworthy of the calling been given to you, I pray that this is an encouragement.

If you fall, not when you fall but, IF you fall, do not stay down get back up immediately. In boxing when a fighter gets dropped he has till the count of 10 to either get back up and continue to fight or be considered knocked out ending the fight with a lost. The enemy goes out of his way to get you to sin throwing temptation from all angles and if you yield to temptation he works even harder to sow guilt and hopelessness into your heart so that you will stay down. Recognize this deception and GET BACK UP! It might hurt and yes the sin is against God but don’t waste any time wallowing in despair run back to the cross as soon as possible.

“For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.” – Proverbs 26:16

We must remember who we are at all times. We are no longer slaves to the power of sin we have the Spirit of the living God inside of us, we have been set free. “He who the son sets free is free indeed.” (John 8:36). After getting back up we actually have a choice whether or not we will continue committing the same habitual sins. You are a son of the living God who has the very nature of God living inside of you (read John 1:12). We can do this not with our own strength but with Christ’s strength. Yes take sin seriously, but start by confessing it and getting back to God. I’m saying sin doesn’t set you back because it does, however do not allow the devil to isolate you from God by making you think that He doesn’t love you and won’t take you back. If you sin you have an advocate with the Father and that’s Jesus Christ the righteous. Come back to your Father confess it, turn from it, and get back in the fight! Remember “I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” – Philippians 4:13(This includes over coming sins in our lives) To be continued.


  1. Amen this is amazing!

  2. Love your blog so much, my brother! So thankful to know you here and also on the Bible App! May God continue to bless you richly and use you as you “soldier on” for Him!!

  3. Make a more new posts please 🙂

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